
We have Solutions...

WebYouthSoccer tries to solve your problems by giving all volunteers, coaches, referees, board members and even parents access to a view of the regional database that can answer their questions, help them solve their problems.

Your regional database is not housed on a single computer at one of your volunteer homes, inaccessible to those how need it now. Your data is available to everyone with a need to view via the web. The data is protected from prying eyes via a user based authentication model, everyone has an identify in the system, board members, parents, coaches, etc. And each of those groups has a set of privileges.

But best to show you examples. How do we answer those problems you just read on the previous page?

Data entry of your registration forms can be done via the web. Anyone with a web browser and a network connection can enter your forms. Or you can have your parents pre-register their children online. Depending on your own volunteer recruitment problems you might choose to allow existing coaches, referees and board members to register online, print the completed registration forms and mail them in with a check. And for parents who are not volunteers, can print the forms and bring them to your walk-in registration so you can "talk" with them. By filling out the information online, in advance, parents can verify their answers giving you more accurate data. The bottom line is registration will go must faster, data entry is spread out among many people, all the tasks get easier.

Parent Communication
Families have views into the regional database. At anytime a parent can ask for the status of all his/her children. Have their registrations been entered, are they on a waiting list, are teams still being formed. Is one of the children on a team with no coach? End result, parents are informed, data is available, they don't pester you on the phone.

Finding Coaches
Like an elephant, WebYouthSoccer never forgets. Coaches are like gold. Once they are trained and have experience coaching we need to make sure they don't get lost or forgotten. WebYouthSoccer can display for the person finding coaches for a specific division all people that have coached in the past that currently have children playing in that division, or would be playing if they were registered. They can also check to see what the parents on the team rated the coach.

Team Formation
Coaches do player evaluation on-line. They can visit the form anytime during the season and modify their evaluations. Division/age group coordinators can view the status of all evaluations online. They will know which coaches have submitted evaluations and those that have not. They can request that the database normalize the evaluations with respect to team records. This means that the next year they have good data at their disposal to aid them in forming teams.

But even that become easy. Division/age group coordinators can ask WebYouthSoccer to form teams based on geographic criteria, evaluations, etc. WebYouthSoccer helps them identify and manage their coaches.

Once everything is locked down all a coordinator needs to do is push a button and the rosters are available to coaches. Parents can see which team their child is on, coach, etc.

Game Schedule Distribution
Schedules also handled online. With the schedules in the database, parents can view the schedules easily via the website before the weekend. And once we have schedules in the database, it enables other tasks to be automated.

Scheduling Referees
Each referee can set his/her preferences online. Which weekends they are in town and what level games they like to work, will work if requested and will not work. They can specify the maximum number of games per day and what teams they are associated with, where their children play, teams they coach, etc.

The referee scheduler can schedule games easily. When he visits a game that he wants to schedule he sees the list of referees who can work the match. From that same screen he can see when those referees are already scheduled to work and on what fields. It becomes an easy job to see who is the best fit. And the data he is working with is current. The referee can modify her preferences at any time. The referee scheduler need only build the schedule and push a button to notify all the referees of the completed schedule.

Referees can view custom schedules that display which games they are working, their assignment, team colors, coaches names, etc. Their personal schedule even shows where and when their children are playing. Pretty much the marching orders for the day.

When it comes time to upgrade WebYouthSoccer can even print out game logs and tabulations of number of games at each level. This makes filling out the top of the referee upgrade form much easier than just guessing.

Team and Player Statistics
Game cards can also be entered online. In most regions referees enter them at the end of the day. This only takes a few minutes if you worked just a couple games. This is how you get credit for working those games. It also gives the referee a location for reporting and tracking cautions and send-offs, not that those ever happen in your region.

With these game cards entered, division coordinators can view the compliance of all teams in their division with the region's policies with respect to child playing time, quarters in goal, etc. It even identifies children that are often absent or have comments entered by the referees. The board now has a tool for tracking child playing time and knowing if the coach's child is being played more than Sam.

Coaches also have a view on the database. They can view their own team's statistics. So when the division coordinator calls to talk to him about the child that is only getting 50% playing time while everyone else is at 90% there is no surprise.

End of Season Player Evaluations
When the season is over everyone is typically ready to take a break from soccer. But for many in the administration of the region there are still tasks to be performed. Collecting and evaluating the player evaluations is one of those tasks. As mentioned earlier on this page Coaches are asked to do their evaluations online. The can work on these throughout the year. The evaluation form can be visited and changed as many times a desired.

The region can easily determine what coaches and assistants have submitted evaluations and WebYouthSoccer provides them with tools to analyze these evaluations and skew them if the coach has not rated his players with respect to the division as a whole.

The key, a distributed regional database that exposes views that answers questions to those with a need to know. And protects your data from those that do not.

How do we do it?